
What to Expect

We gather on Sunday, the first day of the week (also called the Lord’s Day), as the early church did to praise the name of Jesus. During our worship services, we normally have a separate, age-appropriate service for children; this not only helps teach the children, but their parents can focus more on worship and the lesson.

We sing a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment) to praise and worship the Lord. Singing a cappella follows not only the example of the earliest Christians but also fulfills God’s command to “sing,” without adding to his instruction. Men in the congregation will lead prayers, and our preacher will present a lesson. We also observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday by taking unleavened bread and fruit of the vine (grape juice); the unleavened bread represents Jesus’s body and the fruit of the vine represents his blood shed for the forgiveness of our sins. We also take a up a contribution (or collection) so that the church here can continue supporting our many ministries. You are welcome to give, if you so desire, but you are under absolutely no obligation to do so.

We don’t have assigned seats, so sit wherever you like. You are welcome to participate in the service as much or as little as you wish. At the end of the sermon, the preacher will extend an invitation where people may request to place membership with the church here, ask for prayers, confess sins, or be baptized.

We would love if you would give us a little time before or after services so that we could get acquainted with you. We love having guests, and we look forward to getting to know you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask